Strategic Collaboration with Lazada Malaysia

MYM-ImageWorks had the honour and pleasure of joining forces with Lazada Malaysia, to help its growing base of e-commerce sellers improve their online selling skills and their e-stores.
As a sponsor of the Lazada E-Commerce Seller Conference 2017, we were invited to share our knowledge in professional product photography and social media marketing to over 2,000 participants comprising of new and established merchants.
Our commitment with Lazada Malaysia also saw us being listed as an exclusive marketplace vendor for professional photography, website development and social media marketing for its sellers. These services were offered to Lazada sellers at extremely competitive rates, mainly targeted at helping new and small merchants obtain professional-looking e-commerce stores quickly with low-overhead costs.
We also provided training sessions at several Lazada seller focus-group events. Through this event, we had the pleasure of meeting many entrepreneurs who benefited from our knowledge-sharing, with some becoming our very own customers.
As with everything we do, we used the occasion to demonstrate a simple, low-cost and highly effective method of marketing.
We took the opportunity to design our flyer as a “door hanger” that we could hang at all entrance doors for visitors to pick up. The flyer also had to have an interesting message that Lazada sellers could relate to, making them even more interested to get one!
It proved to be a hit as many sellers grabbed our flyers, not because we were famous, but because it was unique and interesting. While it made our effort to distribute our flyers so much easier, it also left visitors with a memorable and pleasant introduction to MYM-ImageWorks and what we could do for them.
Here, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all Lazada sellers who have approached and supported us. It is always a delight to meet and forge a long-lasting and mutually benefitting professional relationship with ambitious brands… THANK YOU!