Advantages of using explainer videos for your products/services.

- It’s concise.
You can delivery the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time. Giving you the freedom of creativity to attract audience through the choice of words and animation to keep your audience engaged throughout the video.
- They show a problem with a solution
Being more relatable to customers needs, it illustrates how your products/ services solves their problems in simple visualization, thus it gives more value in securing more conversions!
- They can be used anywhere.
You can upload it on any social media platform or your website. Uploading on your website bring tremendous benefit, you can convert all those text into a 1-2 minute short video on what your business does, now you won’t loose potential customers by boring them with long paragraphs of text!
- It’s Adaptable and everyone loves it.
It’s a medium, which doesn’t restrict into any age category or business industry. It’s short and easy to understand, no more pages of articles to read or present to potential customers.
- It’s practical.
You can always go back to the explainer video and tweak it, either change the music, voice over, add a little more information in the beginning or ending of the video to suit your needs.